Market Research Tools & Technologies

We at Touchstone Research Inc. believe that marketing research must be as fast-moving, dynamic and ever changing as is today’s consumer-centric tech-world. It is important to embrace new consumer technologies and include them as tools and methodologies so that we can reach people and communicate with them in new and more relevant ways leading to better insights and understanding. Thus we have come up with a full array of research tools that help you get better opinions, reactions in real time, on-the-go, online. Check out our list of sophisticated and powerful technologies below.

There is no one-model-fits-all approach. With our tools, you get custom branded beautiful mobile-enabled modern software tools that offer the best user experience helping you listen, observe, and understand your target audience, their feedback, and overall deliver better results. Next Generation Market research.

Whether you are looking to integrate one of these advanced tools into your next study or want us to help you manage it from beginning to end, we will provide you with support and customer service and make sure you are fully equipped and are using the best of the best tools for your research.

  • Are you looking to conduct a custom branded beautiful yet user friendly survey? No problem. Our powerful survey platform tool allows you to program your most complex logic, integrate with other technologies, capture numerous variables, and design custom questions.
  • Are you looking to conduct qualitative research and immerse into the lives of your consumer? Check out our Mobile Ethnography app.
  • Have a website, an app, or game you want to conduct usability testing with? We have an entire community of testers you can tap into – iGamelab.
  • Need to conduct qualitative research – focus groups or in-depth interviews – check out V-Room, TSR’s online qualitative research collaboration suite.
  • Re-create shopper’s store or mall experience using our 3D product and concept research platform.
Don’t see what you are looking for? Just reach out to us and we will help you create a solution!